18 July 2010

A post on a Sunday!!!

Wowsa! I must be losing my mind! Just kidding, I thought I'd drop in and let you all know the progress of my list... you know... THE.. list... or maybe it's to remind myself that there is actual PROGRESS going on. Whatever the case I'm able to knock a few thinks off the list and it feels good!
1) Complete all processing of photos
a. family shoot -DONE!
b. sorority pics - DONE!
c. vacation - NEARING THE END!
d. wedding - DONE!
f. lake pics - 4th of July - I know they're coming -DONE!
2) Plan our next cruise - ACTIVELY WORKING ON IT!
3) Start Christmas shopping - I know it's early but I plan to be done by Thanksgiving with EVERYONE!
4) Finish decorating the girls rooms -BEGAN PAINTING DESIGNS TODAY!
a. picture frames - need to sand and paint and add photos, hang
b. refurbish some free light fixtures we got
c. complete some wall art for all 3 rooms - WORK IN PROGRESS!
5) Clean out all the girls old clothes and hopefully have a yard sale - 1 DOWN 2 TO GO!
6) Get shelves in my craft/business closet done and organized

I know you're probably wondering what I'm talking about when I say painting designs in the girls room.... Here's what I'm thinking....

These designs (above) will be coming from my daughters window onto a large open wall space that has NOTHING on it.... I think it will be fab!

This cherry blossom tree is actually a decal that I fell in love with long ago and I've been tempted to buy it. However, I am fortunate enough that I can paint it myself and save the money, but it will take some time. I started it today and I will show you the progress. :)

*Photos courtesty of Google Images.

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